Friday, August 6, 2010

Food Again?

Okay, I don't know what's going on with me lately - but, I am all about food lately!

Tonight I had my virgin burrito from Burrito Boyz and I have to say...I love burrito boyz!

It was so tasty and they have so many selections for meats. On top of the usual chicken and steak, they have soy patties, shrimp, halibut and haddock.


Loving love,

Michelle xxo

Thursday, August 5, 2010

PIzza Pie!

I love when Jonny makes pizza!

It is the best pizza I have honestly ever tasted. I also love him a lot for making it. :)


Michelle xxo

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Shark Week!

Okay, so I may have upgraded my cable this week. It's Shark Week, baby!

I love Shark Week!

I find them as fascinating and cool as a ten year old boy would! Discovery Channel rocks for pumping out this gem once a year!

Live every week like it's Shark Week!


Michelle xxo

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Our Trip

I just came back from a wonderful trip in Quebec City with Jon. My original idea for my vacation was to document one thing that I loved each day - but, that was impossible because I loved every single thing about our trip!

We took the train there - it was a long train ride but it was so amazing to look out of the window and see part of our wonderful country whizzing by while sipping red wine.

We stayed at the loveliest bed and breakfast right in the walled city. This place was a total gem. It was homey, but not so much so that you were paranoid about coming in late or making noise. The owner was such a sweetheart too. She mapped out all of the goings-on in the city for us as soon as we arrived.

The first night after dinner, Jon and I headed down to the pier to watch The Image Mill. This is the worlds largest projection - and it portrays an artistic interpretation of Quebec City's history. It is all projected on a mill on the other side of the St. Lawrence River. I have never seen anything so cool! If anyone is in Quebec City in the summertime, I would highly recommend checking this out.

We spent our days strolling around the city, there is just so much to do! We saw some street performances - Jon even got picked to assist in one! The food was spectacular, the drinks were generous, and the people delightful. We came home lugging our new memories (and not to mention, a bit of weight in shopping!) and tonnes of pictures to share.

Je t'aime!

Michelle xxo

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I love Quebec City!

I will be there for an extended long weekend and plan to take a few days off from blogging! However, I will be documenting one thing a day that I love and blog it all when I get home!

Au Revoir!


Michelle xxo

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dream a Little Dream!

I have been having the most bizarre dreams lately. Some have been super funny, some scary, and some just plain weird. Regardless of what type of dream it is - I love a good dream.

Good dreams just put you in a good vibe for the rest of the day. They wake you up with a smile on your face. They can even inspire you the achieve that happiness in your waking life. Weird dreams are sometimes off-putting, but they ALWAYS remind me about how creative and unique the human mind can be. It is fascinating to dream about some small bit of information that you actually retained somewhere in your mind!

Although it is difficult to love a nightmare - when I have a really scary one, my mood is usually gloomy for the better half of the day. But, it is very easy to love that moment when you realize that the nightmare was just a dream.

Dreamy Lovin',

Michelle xxo

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekend Fun

I love that I had a busy weekend!

I didn't post on Friday OR Saturday! But, I had such a good weekend that I haven't gotten to my computer until now!

Friday night, I had dinner and a bonfire with my parents (I love bonfires!). Afterwards, I went out with some friends to a bar with some live music - so much fun. Saturday we slept in a bit, went shopping and went over to Jon's parents for a bbq for his Mom's birthday. I love his family - they are bundles of fun and just wonderful people. Today I did some grocery shopping and met Jon at the baseball diamond and watched two of his games. I love his games. I haven't been to very many, but it is pretty cool because I met Jon through my friends who are on his team. Thus I basically hung out with some of my favourite people all afternoon. Now I am zooming around trying to clean our apartment as I have neglected tidying up all week.

Love to the Busy Bees,

Michelle xx0