Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I love Quebec City!

I will be there for an extended long weekend and plan to take a few days off from blogging! However, I will be documenting one thing a day that I love and blog it all when I get home!

Au Revoir!


Michelle xxo

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dream a Little Dream!

I have been having the most bizarre dreams lately. Some have been super funny, some scary, and some just plain weird. Regardless of what type of dream it is - I love a good dream.

Good dreams just put you in a good vibe for the rest of the day. They wake you up with a smile on your face. They can even inspire you the achieve that happiness in your waking life. Weird dreams are sometimes off-putting, but they ALWAYS remind me about how creative and unique the human mind can be. It is fascinating to dream about some small bit of information that you actually retained somewhere in your mind!

Although it is difficult to love a nightmare - when I have a really scary one, my mood is usually gloomy for the better half of the day. But, it is very easy to love that moment when you realize that the nightmare was just a dream.

Dreamy Lovin',

Michelle xxo

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekend Fun

I love that I had a busy weekend!

I didn't post on Friday OR Saturday! But, I had such a good weekend that I haven't gotten to my computer until now!

Friday night, I had dinner and a bonfire with my parents (I love bonfires!). Afterwards, I went out with some friends to a bar with some live music - so much fun. Saturday we slept in a bit, went shopping and went over to Jon's parents for a bbq for his Mom's birthday. I love his family - they are bundles of fun and just wonderful people. Today I did some grocery shopping and met Jon at the baseball diamond and watched two of his games. I love his games. I haven't been to very many, but it is pretty cool because I met Jon through my friends who are on his team. Thus I basically hung out with some of my favourite people all afternoon. Now I am zooming around trying to clean our apartment as I have neglected tidying up all week.

Love to the Busy Bees,

Michelle xx0

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Theme Songs!

Last night, Jon and I took turns singing retro songs to each other from our favourite childhood cartoons!

It was so much fun! I love theme songs!

It is seriously impossible to forget songs that were so present in ones childhood. Especially for me! I used to memorize and perform Disney songs for my family (whether they liked it or not!)

All the memories come flooding back once you remember the tune! I serenaded Jon with songs from Aladdin, The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, while Jon hummed the tune from the Zelda video game for N64!

It is so much fun to recall random songs from the past with someone you love. Of course, Jon and I didn't know each other as kids, but theme songs are like a shared bookmark of different memories. I learned that when Jon played Zelda as a kid, his sister would watch and read all of the commentary out loud to him (so cute!). I also scored major points for remembering the theme song to the X-men TV show!

My friends from University and I used to sing the theme songs to 90's sitcoms. A whole evening could be spent sipping on cheap beer and singing classics from Full House, Who's The Boss, Family Matters and of course - Fresh Prince of Bel-Air!

It is so much fun to recall these songs with someone you love. Once the tune starts up, memories and fun stories follow, and it always brings you a sizable laugh!

Love and Laughter,

Michelle xxo

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Magic in the Air

Look up, and look around.

There is a little bit of wispy magic floating around in the air this time of the year. Gardeners and those with allergies avert your eyes because I love those floaty thingys (aka dandelion seeds).

I know right? They can be such a pain - many see weeds engulfing our country like a horrible plague, or the cause of their sneezing and itching.

But, I see beauty.

Think about how cool it is to see bubbles floating around in the summer. You know they are coming from somewhere, but you don't know where. All you know is that some cute little family is running around and having fun with them. I see our floaty dandelion friends that way - just nature having a bit of fun with us.

Lovely, Beautiful.

Michelle xxo

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Okay, I am human. And thus, I am allowed to be a bit materialistic. I try and I try and I try so often. But, every now and then something so beautiful and wonderful comes along, and I fall in love.
I love these shoes!

They are so beautiful. Alas, being Choo's - they are extremely out of my budget.


Lover of more than shoes,

Michelle xxo

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dance like No One is Watching!

I love dancing!

But, what I love even more is that it counts as a workout! Yippee!!

Love (to boogie!)

Michelle xxo

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Romance and the Little Things

I love everyday romance.

Sometimes it is all of those little things that makes me so appreciative of Jon. Yesterday, we spent the day together for the first time in about a week (our schedules have been opposite). We wanted to go on a picnic, but ran out of time. Instead, we set up a blanket on our balcony, cut up some cheeses and a baguette, and popped a bottle of sparkling wine.

It was a perfect day, and it reminded me that sometimes things don't always go the way that you want them to. But sometimes, it is that 'Plan B' that can feel more enjoyable than what you had originally anticipated.

Simple is sensational!

Love for the lovelies,

Michelle xxo

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I love today.

I just had a really good day and I feel like it is going to get better.

Love for all of you,

Michelle xxo

Friday, July 16, 2010


I love Friday's!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hit the Road, Bob

About two years ago, in the summer of 2008 - I got an angled bob. I loved it! My hair was long previously and it felt so good to have it cut in the summer. My hair was even long enough for me to donate it. I felt good about the whole thing.

But, after a while - I grew tired of it. For almost a year and a half, I have been meticulously growing it out. Every time I'd go to get my haircut the angle would slope closer to being even.

That was until tonight! It is an even length all around! I triumphed! I survived an angled bob!

It may sound silly but, I love my hair!


Michelle xxo

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Ahh, my baby brother is 23 today.

We haven't always gotten along - because we are so close in age. But, I can safely (and very happily say) that we are becoming much closer.

I love my brother with all of my heart. And I hope he is having the very happiest of birthdays.

Here are 23 reasons why he is so awesome:

1. He loves to cook (and I love to eat)

2. He is so funny!

3. He is smarter than he even knows

4. He is caring

5. He knows what's important in life.

6. He has surrounded himself with remarkable people

7. He stands up for himself

8. He stands up for others

9. He's prous of me

10. I'm proud of him

11. He is learning about things that he loves

12. He is not afraid to be himself

13. He loves sports! (like his sister!)

14. He has an opinion

15...He's not afraid to express said opinion

16. He acts like a big brother even though he's younger.

17. He likes good music

18. He respects other people and admires other cultures.

19. He has the best sayings!

20. He loves Forrest Gump!

21. He can poke fun at himself.

22. He was THE cutest baby!

23. He is my only brother, he is my family, and I will ove him always!

Love to ya brotha!

Michelle xxo

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hello, Hazel!

I love our Mayor!

Not to make this post sound like a grade six essay, but "Hurricane" Hazel McCallion kicks butt!

This woman is 89 years old and has been in office since....1978! No one will vote her out because she does such an amazing job. She literally wins every election by a landslide.

An 89 year old with the energy to run a city of well over 700,000 is a pretty big feat - but, since Hazel is a widow, she does everything on the home front for herself as well.

Not to mention that she was a professional hockey player in her youth and is still known to lace up her skates from time to time (sometimes warming up with the OHL's Mississauga St. Mike's Majors!)

I had the absolute pleasure of bumping into Hazel while out and about in Streetsville today - and on top of all of her accomplishments, and her busy schedule, she still makes time for her residents.

What a remarkable woman!

...If she ever comes out with a brand of energy drinks, I will buy a lifetime supply.


Michelle xxo

Monday, July 12, 2010

Rough Weekend

So, it was a really rough weekend. I haven't been able to post, so I am going to post three things I love right now.

1. I love walks that clear my mind

2. I love the sound of rain. Especially when you are all snuggly and cozy inside.

3. I love Sunday breakfasts with Jonny. They are wonderful.

I feel horrible for not sticking to my posting, but sometimes life gets in the way and certain things are

Love in the ups and downs,

Michelle xxo

Friday, July 9, 2010

Catch It Up!

I love catching up with friends that I haven't seen for a while!!

I am truly blessed by all of the wonderful people in my life.

Love to you and yours,

Michelle xxo

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Smile About It!

I love a good smile, sugar!

A smile from anyone is just the greatest. Give me a gassy baby, a panting dog, a lover, friend, co-worker, or parent - heck, even a stranger on the street. Anyone, with a genuine smile just fills my heart with oodles of joy.

A smile is truly contagious. Sometimes, even if I am feeling a bit 'bummy' I'll just smile anyways - I figure I might as well make someone else smile even if I'm not feeling it. Who knows, maybe their smile is so spectacular that it can bring me out of a funk (like those smiles when someone's whole face just explodes with happy). It's worth a try, anyways.

Sometimes, I'll just collect smiles when I am out. Try to smile at as many people as I can, and I always get some gems in return. One's smile is unique, so I say share it with the world. Next time you're out and about (even if you are in a frump) share those pearly whites, I promise you won't be disappointed with what you get in return.

Love for all the funny faces,

Michelle xxo

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Easy Breezy

Well, it is hot at heck if you live in Southern Ontario!

It is official, we are in a heat wave...

Did I mention that I don't have air conditioning?

And, although the fourth floor isn't exactly sky high - it is still waaaaaay hotter up here than it is on the first floor. Jon moved in yesterday in the sweltering heat, and all I can say is that he and his friend are so brave!

Alas! My knight in shining armor is currently on his way home toting none other than: a portable air conditioner!! I love AC!!! As soon as we learned that a store had one in stock, he was up an away to get one.

That's love, baby.

Michelle xxo

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Beginning of New Era

I love my new roomate!!!

So much.

Love, and lot's of it,

Michelle xxo

Monday, July 5, 2010

Hot, Hot Heat!

I love the summer, I love the summer, I love the summer.

This is what I have been telling myself all evening while I sit in my non air-conditioned apartment. In Canada, we complain all year about the cold, and I am not going to let myself complain about this gift of heat.

I feel for Jon and his friend who are moving him into this sauna of an apartment TOMORROW!

Water, ice cream, rest, fans and repeat. I love summer!

Love and fun in the sun!

Michelle xxo

Sunday, July 4, 2010

....For Two!

I love shopping for two!

Jon is moving in in two days - so we're busy, busy. But I love shopping for us! It's so fun buying the food we both love to eat!

Kisses and Love,

Michelle xxo

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer Time and the Livin's Easy...

I love the first day of Summer!

I'm no fool, I know that it is 'officially' considered the first day of summer on June 21st, but it was freezing that day!

What I consider the first day of summer is the day when enough nice days are strung together that you look around and think 'wow, I guess it's summer today'!

There are, of course always a few hints:

1. Kids are out of school and a buzz of excitement surrounds them. Like when the bell rings for recess but multiplied by a million!

2. Pale legs that came out of the woodworks in the spring have finally gotten a bit of colour.

3. You have gone for ice cream at least once.

4. Sunscreen has become a part of your daily beauty regime.

Pack up those minivans, air out the tent, clean up those pools, the season is upon us - and I think it's going to be stellar.

Summer Lovin',

Michelle xxo

Friday, July 2, 2010

That Magic Moment

I love that moment alone!

I love my peeps. My friends, family, and of course Jon. But, every now and then, a free moment comes along when you're by your lonesome. Today that moment came at work. I cranked my music and finished my day in style! Happy Weekend Everyone!

Lovely Love,

Michelle xxo

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My True North Strong and Free

I love my Country! Happy Canada Day!