Monday, June 28, 2010

Curiosity and the Kitten(s)!

I love kittens!

But, who doesn't right? I actually have always considered myself a 'dog person'. I love the affection that dogs give, and cats are much more independent. I used to swear up and down that the only cat I've ever liked was my friends Jeff's - and that is because she acts more like a dog than a cat.

Enter: Oscar and Toulouse.

My current room mate (who is moving out in a week) just got the two most adorable kittens ever! Her bf and I have been taking double duty watching them while she is in Cuba. I absolutely love how curious they are. Everything is so new and different to them. They want to climb on EVERYTHING (including me), and basically everything that moves fascinates them.

It got me thinking. They won't always be like this, they will grow up and learn that coral nail polish on someone's toes isn't the most amazing thing in the world. But, my roomie will always have those cute kitten memories for as long as she has these guys in her life. Maybe that is why I never much liked cats - I've never had one.

I'll probably stick to dogs (hey, I'm as loyal as they are). But, I'll send some love to all of those kittens, cats and cat-lovers out there!

Loves lots!

Michelle xxo

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