Monday, June 7, 2010

It's All in a Name

I love silly nicknames!

I am not talking about the hybrid of 'sweetheart' to 'sweetie', but I am talking about that silly nickname that you have for your partner, best friend, sibling, parent or pet. The type of name that is so sickeningly sweet, or terribly revealing that you want to keep it a secret from the world. Those nicknames that make absolutely no sense to anyone else but you and the other party - some are hybrids of other equally ridiculous nicknames that have been shortened or lengthened based on whatever silly mood your in.

Nicknames make life so much fun. How cool would it be to use silly nicknames all the time. Like at work - "Coober, I'll need that report on my desk Monday.", or "Snickerpoo? table for four?" World leaders wouldn't seem so intimidating if it was public knowledge that your Prime Ministers' mother calls him 'Shmoosie Woodle'. I say share your nicknames World!

...I just won't share mine. :)

Lovsie Wuvsies,

Michelle xxo

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