Monday, June 14, 2010

That Time of the Day

No, I am not referring to anytime when food is consumed (although, that time of the day also rocks!) But rather, that random time of the day when you decide "wow, today is going to be a good day". When it all of the sudden dawns on you that everything is coming up in your favour. You feel like you can just ride the wave of good vibrations until you rest your head on your pillow at night.

I try to choose that have 'that time of the day' everyday - I am, after all, writing a daily blog about things that I love, so I kind of have to! But, today felt a little bit different. That is because I had feeling first thing this morning - on a Monday morning.

It is a common misconception that this 'moment' must arise when something good happens. You win a radio contest, find a cool $20 in an old coat pocket, or roll in to a usually busy coffee spot before a huge line forms. But, I like to believe that one can feel this way without any luck whatsoever. It's all in the attitude. Since, I usually have so-so luck (the last thing I won was a centre piece at a wedding three years ago) I choose this moment. If I'm having a crummy day, I make it good. Happiness is a choice, and I try my best to make it daily, and to be grateful for everything I have; including 'that time of the day'.

Love Love LOVE!

Michelle xxo

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