Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Long Weekend?

Okay, so if you're Canadian, it isn't really a long weekend. Some employers will give employees the Thursday AND Friday off, but for the majority of the population - you get a day off in the middle of the week. Some complain, but I love that Canada Day falls on a Thursday this year! Now, of course I would love it more if it landed on a Friday or a Monday to extend my precious weekend. But just look at the perks:

1. Because it's a Thursday, you can take the Friday off and have a SUPER long weekend!

2. Tuesday night feels like Thursday night (which we all know I love), tomorrow is ACTUALLY Thursday, today feels like a Friday because I have tomorrow off, and of course - Friday is Friday. That is two Thursday's and two Friday's in a week! Love!

3. C'mon - if some people didn't get Friday off, they are likely taking it off. Going into work? You have to know that it is going to be an easy day and then: Voila! Weekend!

It's Friday I'm in Love,

Michelle xxo

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Grace and the G20

I love my freedom of speech!

I am so grateful that I can voice my opinion freely in this wonderful country.

As you may know from my earlier posts, I live in the Toronto area. As you may also know, this past weekend Toronto hosted the 2010 G20 leaders' meeting.

The media exploded and reported on a city that had been invaded with rioters, violence, and destruction. Social media outlets followed (I am obviously on Blogger right now discussing it!). However, the message being spread is quite skewed.

Don't get me wrong, I am not standing on my soapbox denying any destruction or violence in the wake of the meetings. But, I do think that the sensationalization of these particular events can cause more harm than good. The overgeneralization of any group (be it a protestor or a police officer, in this case) is backwards. A handful of people acted horrendously. Not all protestors are destructive, just as not all police officers are bullies. Most demonstrations were peaceful, the RCMP even helped organizations plan them!

I am grateful for the police officers that keep my community safe, just as I am grateful for protestors that peacefully fight for what they believe in. I wouldn't have the freedom, and safety that I have without either.

So, a 'Thank You' to those that both protect and convey the freedom and rights that I have. I wouldn't be writing this blog without you.

Love across the board,

Michelle xxo

Monday, June 28, 2010

Curiosity and the Kitten(s)!

I love kittens!

But, who doesn't right? I actually have always considered myself a 'dog person'. I love the affection that dogs give, and cats are much more independent. I used to swear up and down that the only cat I've ever liked was my friends Jeff's - and that is because she acts more like a dog than a cat.

Enter: Oscar and Toulouse.

My current room mate (who is moving out in a week) just got the two most adorable kittens ever! Her bf and I have been taking double duty watching them while she is in Cuba. I absolutely love how curious they are. Everything is so new and different to them. They want to climb on EVERYTHING (including me), and basically everything that moves fascinates them.

It got me thinking. They won't always be like this, they will grow up and learn that coral nail polish on someone's toes isn't the most amazing thing in the world. But, my roomie will always have those cute kitten memories for as long as she has these guys in her life. Maybe that is why I never much liked cats - I've never had one.

I'll probably stick to dogs (hey, I'm as loyal as they are). But, I'll send some love to all of those kittens, cats and cat-lovers out there!

Loves lots!

Michelle xxo

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Whole Lot of Love to Catch Up On!

I haven't been a very good blogger this weekend. But, that doesn't mean I still haven't thought about things that I love everyday. Since I missed two days, I will post three things that I love today.


Watch this video and tell me that you are not completely awed by Nick Vujicic. This is an absolutely beautiful human being both inside and out. I love his message - to be not only accepting, but happy with yourself and your life. I find it amazing that someone can turn their situation into something so positive and to keep that happiness continuously flowing through their life. When I look at this man, I see life - and it's contagious!

2. I love family time! All day yesterday was great. My brother and I just chilled at my parents place and watched some movies. My parents joined a bit later and we had an evening watching flicks and eating takeout Chinese food all together. It is so rare these days to spend time with just the four of us (well, five including Caffrey - the cutest, most special dog in the world!). I really love my family, and I really cherish the time that we spend together, even if we're all just lazing around.

3. Finally, I love the 'Big Purge'! You know that one time a year where you just go crazy getting rid of things? It feels so good! Right?

So, I had a pretty lazy weekend considering that there is so much to do before Jon moves in. But, today I spent the whole day turning my room into 'our' room. I cleaned and purged so much 'junk' from the apartment - and it looks great. It feels really good to get rid of old 'stuff'. It feels even better knowing that our old clutter can be made more useful to someone else. The result is fantastic too. There is really nothing quite like a clean home.

I will try to be more diligent with the entries - but I will still be lovin' daily!

Love cubed for the days I missed,

Michelle xxo

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Love Lost, a Love Gained

I love Thursdays! Is it because the weekend is right around the corner? Is it because of the awesome TV? Yes, and yes. But, I have other reasons for loving this fabulous day!

When Jon and I first started dating, the first time he came over to my (soon to be our!) apartment, it was a Thursday. We watched The Office, ordered pizza, and spent what seemed to be hours just giggling and gazing at each other all googley-eyed. Towards the end of the night, I remember him saying to me. "Let's make Thursday our 'thing'". Ever since then we have spend almost every Thursday night watching our favourite NBC shows and ordering takeout. It became so much a habit, that our friends and family knew better than to make plans with us on a Thursday.

Now, due to the fact that it is summer and a few things have interfered with our weekly tradition (or possibly also because The Office is in the off-season), we haven't had a 'Thursday' in about a month!

Jon knows that I love our weekly date, but I've had a tradition of my own for the last couple of Thursday's... I've been making a very light dinner and eating it early. After that, I'll make some snacks! Last week, I favoured a big bowl of popcorn drizzled with some olive oil, mixed with a pinch of dried rosemary, and generous amount of grated parmesan cheese. I've been watching guilty pleasure TV On Demand, Rom-Com's, and painting my nails! I am loving new Thursday, I can indulge my girly side and get my snack on!

A Thursday past, and a Thursday present. I love em' both.

Love all Around,

Michelle xxo

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Twist and Shake!

I am going to start off by stating very clearly that I dislike natural disasters. People can be killed by the thousands, homes and businesses ruined in seconds, and schools collapsed in the blink of an eye. It takes years to rebuild lives for some caught in floods, earthquakes and hurricanes, and some aren't as lucky. Large natural disasters are in a word: horrendous.

I am going to coin a term for those thunder/hail/snow storms that take everyone by surprise, but cause no major damage. These I will; call Mini Natural Fiasco's. It involves the type of booming thunder that makes you aware of just how powerful the atmosphere in the world can be, yet doesn't bring down buildings. Not to say that I love Mini Natural Fiasco's - I like them. I mean, who doesn't like a snow day as a result of a snowstorm, or marveling in absolute awe at beautiful lightning shows? I like when the forces of nature shake us out of of our daily grind and urge us to look onwards and upwards. To feel the strong wind, or listen to the pelting hail.

But, what I really love is the clustering and chattering of people that comes along when these storms occur. I love that nervous energy! It seems to bring out the social side of people, everyone bonds over what is going on outside. Who doesn't love being in a room full of people when the power goes out? It's a blast! Everyone sports a 'go-with-the-flow' exterior, but the chatty energy shines through!

I am definitely guilty of it, but I still think it's cute! Today we felt tremors of a 5.5 earthquake in Toronto. I have never felt an earthquake before and many others I've spoken to haven't either. Everyone has been talking about it all day while hunkering down for the major thunderstorms expected tonight.

My version of 'hunkering down' will involve homemade pasta, a glass of wine and some dark chocolate....and of course, giddily chatting about the storm with my man.

Whirlwinds of Love!

Michelle xxo



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Power of Promise

I won't lie to you, and I know you won't lie to me.

My blogs have been lacking content lately, and have been getting right to the point. Jon will be moving in, in less than two weeks - and there is tonnes to do! When I do get a free moment, I am usually doing something else or thinking of the next thing that needs to be done.

It is sort of overwhelming to make a commitment to write in this blog daily, but I love a good challenge. As I said in my first entry - I love to write. So today, I love my commitment. I am really proud of myself thus far. I could very easily let life get in the way (as I have with my workout routine, but I digress) but, I have kept at it. I'll also admit that I've had a few days where I let grumpiness win, yet I have still made significant room for love.

Now, that being said - one minor warning that the entries for the next two weeks may be a bit lacking.

But, it's all out of love!

Michelle xxo

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Monday Blues

This title is a bit misleading. I don't actually despise Monday's as much as the average person. I find that I get the most rest on a Sunday night, and if I am diligent enough, I have cleaned and set myself up to enter the workweek with ease.

I also find that Monday itself just flies by. There is plenty of work to immerse myself in and the fun of the weekend is still fresh in my heart. Although I don't complain, I just love Monday afternoon. You feel like you've survived the biggest battle of the week, and it is smooth(er) sailing from there.

Kudos, friends! We made it!

Love is battle field,

Michelle xxo

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone (especially those that know me), but I love my Dad! I am not just saying this because it is Father's Day, because I truly love him, and I always will.

My Dad has taught me some of the most important lessons that I've learned in life. He is has taught me to be passionate in what I believe in, to live my life with loads of love, to be kind and share, and to leave this world in a better condition then when I got here.

He is human of course, we have had our ups and downs - but, everything my Dad does, he does with love.

My Dad is the perfect example of unconditional love. I know that in any rough situation, my Dad will always be there. I also know that even in my last minutes, that I will consider this wonderful man to be one of the most important teachers in my life.

I am very lucky to have such a spectacular person as one of my biggest fans.

Love to all the Fathers,

Michelle xxo

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Good Morning!

Well, I am up early (for a Saturday). But, I am going to be away all day and back very late at night....

I've noticed something about being up before 8 on a Saturday morning. It's that I love the sound of lawnmowers when I am up....HOWEVER, when I am trying to sleep - I very much dislike them!


Michelle xxo

Friday, June 18, 2010

Surprise, Surprise!

I love surprises! I used to dislike them because I was always so worried that my reaction to whatever the surprise was wouldn't please the surpriser. Or, I just plain worried that I wouldn't like the surprise.

But now I love them. Any surprise from the right person is a pleasant one.

Live, Laugh, Love,

Michelle xxo

Thursday, June 17, 2010

In the Nick of Time

What do I love today? I had a really hard time trying to answer this question. Of course I love my friends, family and boyfriend - that's a given. But, when you have a no-good-very-bad day like I've had, it is hard to think of one thing that piqued my love-o-meter.

I could love the fact that I plan to hibernate all night and watch guilty pleasure tv. I could also love the emergency bar of dark chocolate that I hide in my desk drawer at work. But, what I really love is when you're having the dumps of a day and you get a well-timed saving grace. I love good timing!

My very good friend who is teaching in South Korea sent me an e-mail brimming with plans, stories and love. Any other day, I might've taken this for granted. But because I am having such a yucky day - I was able to appreciate a simple note of this nature.

Good timing can turn any frown upside-down.

Love and all those good vibrations,

Michelle xxo

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Set it in Stone, Baby

I love when THE deal is on!

I am not going to go into the specifics of what happened to me personally today. But, to be vague (and possibly annoying) whatever happened, all parties are happy and I am beaming from ear to ear.

Be it a first date, a confirming handshake when getting a job, or even a resounding YES when the shoe clerk tells you that they do in fact have that fab kick in your size (bonus points if you snag the last pair!) - you just have to love that feeling of sealing the deal!

You know it's THE deal when everything about it feels right and no one was wronged.

Congrats and all the love that comes along with it,

Michelle xxo

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Swing Thing

For the past week, I've been sick with a pretty brutal cold. I have woken up daily with a pounding headache, muscle aches, and a pretty nasty cough to have it last all day and into the next. However, I soldiered on and managed to only take an afternoon off of work on the worst of these days. During this week, I'd come home, open a can of soup, microwave on high and slurp it while watching movies all night. Annnnd wake the next day, only to repeat this boring routine.

After a week of this, I am happy to say that, I love getting back into the swing of things! Working out daily, actually cooking a meal, and not having to quarantine myself from the rest of the world - all fit me so much better. My skin has some colour to it! I can breathe clearly! I can move freely without pain!

I am no longer subsiding on a combination of Advil Cold and Sinus, echinacea and watery soup. I must say, it feels good to be back, baby!

Lot's of Love,

Michelle xxo

Monday, June 14, 2010

That Time of the Day

No, I am not referring to anytime when food is consumed (although, that time of the day also rocks!) But rather, that random time of the day when you decide "wow, today is going to be a good day". When it all of the sudden dawns on you that everything is coming up in your favour. You feel like you can just ride the wave of good vibrations until you rest your head on your pillow at night.

I try to choose that have 'that time of the day' everyday - I am, after all, writing a daily blog about things that I love, so I kind of have to! But, today felt a little bit different. That is because I had feeling first thing this morning - on a Monday morning.

It is a common misconception that this 'moment' must arise when something good happens. You win a radio contest, find a cool $20 in an old coat pocket, or roll in to a usually busy coffee spot before a huge line forms. But, I like to believe that one can feel this way without any luck whatsoever. It's all in the attitude. Since, I usually have so-so luck (the last thing I won was a centre piece at a wedding three years ago) I choose this moment. If I'm having a crummy day, I make it good. Happiness is a choice, and I try my best to make it daily, and to be grateful for everything I have; including 'that time of the day'.

Love Love LOVE!

Michelle xxo

Sunday, June 13, 2010

One of the Little Things

I must confess on of my truths; I like to treat myself to a little something quite often. Sometimes, it is to add to my massive collection of clothes - but mostly, it comes in the form of little things. A bar of dark chocolate, a new colour of nail polish, and a steamy cup of latte on my way to work are just a few of my simple indulgences.

But there is one little thing that I treat myself to that can completely brighten even my darkest mood; fresh cut flowers. I love fresh cut flowers! Now, don't get me wrong, I do absolutely adore when Jon brings me flowers. It is so sweet. But, buying them for my home (soon to be our home!) just shows a love and pride in my cute apartment! It is the cherry on the sundae to add flowers. More often than not, they are showcased for all of their beauty as a centre piece to a freshly cleaned room.

Today, I opted for bright yellow Lilies (one of my favourite flowers). They make my apartment so sunny and bright, and they will be the perfect accent to my dinner with Jon tonight.


Michelle xxo

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I love my parents house!

It will always feel like home.


Michelle xxo

Friday, June 11, 2010

Boldness is Badass

All of my close friends and family would completely disagree when I say that I am shy. But, I am. I have a sense of humor that can make any stranger doubt my bashful nature, sometimes I can even trick myself into thinking that I am super confident! The truth is, my loved ones make me feel confident, funny, intelligent and beautiful. Of course I know how to feel all of those things on my own...

...But, when it comes to confrontation in any form - I start to seriously doubt myself. I feel so small! I hate confrontation. It makes me feel like I want to run away as fast as I can and hide until it all goes away. Of course, being a self-sufficient woman, that is not at all realistic.

That is why I love my inner Badass! She is the culmination of listening to my intuition, firmness, fairness, intelligence, and a little bit of super heroism for good measure. Sometimes the result is a simple but significant "No", sometimes it is pointing out an injustice. But, whatever the outcome, one's inner badass stands up (sometimes against all odds) and exclaims that she needs to be heard - and the reason: she listened to herself.

Tough Love,

Michelle xxo

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Love Naps!

I love Naps!

Probably more than a three year old child loves them! I am saying this now because I am still feeling very under the weather (yuck! a cold in June!) and have decided that instead of writing in my beloved blog, I would spend this time doing something that I love combined with something that inevitably might make me feel a bit better. So off to la-la-land I go!

Sweet Dreams and Lovely Moon Beams,

Michelle xxo

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Love...YouTube!

I am still sick and stuck in my apartment surrounded by kleenex and dirty soup dishes. Sometimes when I am bored, or in need of a smile, I turn to YouTube. I love YouTube! People post the cutest and funniest things. This particular video is a favourite of mine. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Love Happens Even When You're Feeling Icky

Ugh! I feel so sick today! I woke up with a throbbing headache, stiff muscles, sore throat, and raspy voice. I even got ready for work in ten minute shifts because I was so drained of energy.

It would be smart after a full day of work to go home and take care of myself. It may sound super pathetic, but I love sick pity! I love being doted on by my loved ones when I'm feeling under the weather. I love the sweet look from co-workers and even total strangers when they hear my cold-affected voice. It is a universal understanding, an outlet to project love. I don't think it's about actual pity, I just love the little reminder that comes along with being sick - like the world tells you "I think you're a remarkable person, and I wish you were feeling as wonderful as you are!"

I think being sick is a physical reminder to self-love also. Your body is literally telling you to 'Slow down! Relax! Take care of yourself!' You can indulge in that book you've been wanting to read, watch your guilty pleasure movie, or your snuggle in your comfiest pair of 'jammies.

You can clean the kitchen later, check those e-mails tomorrow, and of course your friends won't mind that you have to reschedule your dinner plans. Spread some of that love inwards and remind yourself that YOU are worth taking care of.

I, for one plan on doing exactly that!

....after I finish the laundry!


Michelle xxo

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's All in a Name

I love silly nicknames!

I am not talking about the hybrid of 'sweetheart' to 'sweetie', but I am talking about that silly nickname that you have for your partner, best friend, sibling, parent or pet. The type of name that is so sickeningly sweet, or terribly revealing that you want to keep it a secret from the world. Those nicknames that make absolutely no sense to anyone else but you and the other party - some are hybrids of other equally ridiculous nicknames that have been shortened or lengthened based on whatever silly mood your in.

Nicknames make life so much fun. How cool would it be to use silly nicknames all the time. Like at work - "Coober, I'll need that report on my desk Monday.", or "Snickerpoo? table for four?" World leaders wouldn't seem so intimidating if it was public knowledge that your Prime Ministers' mother calls him 'Shmoosie Woodle'. I say share your nicknames World!

...I just won't share mine. :)

Lovsie Wuvsies,

Michelle xxo

Sunday, June 6, 2010

That Song

I love that song.

The one that perfectly describes how you feel. Happy, sad, scared, glad, indifferent, mad. Jamming to a song that makes you feel like another person on this planet knows exactly how you feel....I love it.

Love Always,

Michelle xxo

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Love at Any Age

Today, my boyfriend Jon and I woke up to the sounds of a parade. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, there is a local festival in town - and I rushed to get ready with the patience of a child.

We grabbed a quick bite and walked around the grounds, played a game that we both lost at, and I cowered at the small rides that seven year old children walked up to fearlessly. There was a section with vendors and crafts, and we wandered about having a wonderful day.

As the day was winding down, we walked by a married couple drawing portraits. They had an elderly woman sitting patiently while the wife of the pair created her likeness. We decided that we wanted a portrait done of the both of us, and I sat first.

It was a really weird and neat experience. I had to look in one direction and I could see Jon out of the corner of my eye, quietly explaining how great the portrait was coming along. A bit of a commenting crowd began to draw (all saying good things, thankfully) and it made me really want to just stand up and have a peek at the picture myself. I decided that unless I wanted Jon sitting next to an ogre in the portrait, I needed to distract myself. I began focusing on the women who were obviously with the elderly woman seated next to me.

These gals were an absolute hoot! All at least over 75 (we found out that the woman seated was 92!), they were goofily teasing their friend like a group of adolescents. I love the young at heart! The life, love, and general fun within each of these women was so contagious. They were in love with life, and everybody knew it!

The experience made me think about life in general. If I can have a love for this life, similar to the love in these women, then all of the small bumps along the way really don't matter. Life becomes one giant festival with love, and I am extremely grateful that I got to share this special moment with the person that I love most in this world. When we got our completed portrait, I thought it really captured that.

All My Lovin',

Michelle xxo

Friday, June 4, 2010

An Unexpected Love

I love Sparky!!

Allow me to backtrack.

I was on my way home from work today, and I could feel a buzz in the air. The village I live in has a cute festival that is happening this weekend, and all of the stores that line the street just near my apartment were having street sales. Needing a couple of hours to kill before meeting one of my good friends for a patio beer, I decided that it would be the perfect time to stop in at one of my favourite clothing stores. (I'll save my love for this store for another day, but I will say that it is a hidden gem, and I get most of my wardrobe compliments from its pieces).

When the bell jingles as I walk in, I am not greeted by the owner, but by a furry little raggamuffin who looks like he's part muppet. He was bashful and wary at first - but, in no time, he was following me around the store (and even popped his head into the change room to see how I was doing! Little sneak!)

Val (the owner) explained that he was her new dog, Sparky. Being quite taken by this amicable character, I asked when she got him. Val went on to explain that today, a very elderly gentleman randomly entered the store and said that he had to move and couldn't take Sparky with him. He also said that if he couldn't find Sparky a home, he may have to be put down. I gasped in unison with another woman in the store. What a sad story! But, as I browsed the store, I thought about it. Val told this story without one ounce of judgement towards the man (who was apparently quite sad to be letting Sparky go himself), and also took the pup in without any question.

My daily love belongs to Val and Sparky.

Combing through the clothing, I looked over at the two of them (Sparky perched on her knee) and realized that I was witnessing the magic of love at first sight. Right there. In a clothing store.


Michelle xxo

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Love in a Tupperware Container

I woke up this morning with a fresh attitude and hungover pride from actually starting this blog. As I got ready to catch the bus for work, I was curious as to what I would write about today. Where would I find my daily love in this great big world?

Chuckling to one of my favourite podcasts, I rolled into work only to be bombarded with stress, e-mails, and a really rude lady who wandered into our office lost (and decided to blame me). Not to mention the pouring rain all day. Needless to say, by noon I was feeling the beginnings of a bad mood. My saving grace: Lunch. Leftover pizza from the night before. And let me tell you I love Leftovers. It may sound uninspiring, but it's true.

My love for leftovers is four-fold, and I will explain why:

1. The obvious. SO many things taste better the next day. Double baked potatoes? Pizza reheated in a toaster oven? Casseroles where the hardened cheese gets all melty? ANY dessert? Delicious!

2. The kudos. They are the ultimate compliment to the chef. Last weekend, my brother (an actual aspiring chef) made the most delicious baklava. Warm, buttery, nutty and the perfect amount of sweet. It was SO good that I took two pieces home - and he happily obliged because asking someone for leftovers is like announcing to them and all present that; "that meal was so extremely delicious that I want to eat it again tomorrow" (and in my case, the next day too!)

3. The sacrifice. My awesome boyfriend (the ultimate foodie) and I ordered pizza last night. When our pizza got down to three small squared thin slice pieces, he declared that he was done and that the leftovers would be perfect for my lunch today. That's love. Not going in for that last "finisher" slice is one thing, but giving up the only leftovers without a fight, or even a second thought? Love.

4. The dish trade. Right about now, I am sure you've realized that I have some pretty stellar people in my life. But, I have to give honorable mention to my aunt Peggy. I have a collection of random dishes and containers from this wonderful woman from all of the leftovers that she has given me over the years. She has perfected the art! After holidays, I would trudge back to university carrying 3-8 frozen MEALS all smothered in gravy and ready to be heated up. She takes the top prize because her leftovers come with the loving knowledge that I almost always forget to return the container/dish that it came in.

So readers, while I ate my leftover pizza - so thoughtfully put aside by my boyfriend today (which I even noticed was dressed more to my liking than to his) I thought about all of the love that surrounds a simple thing like leftovers. If you can find amore in leftover lasagna, you can find it anywhere.

Fully Yours,

Michelle xxo

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day One, How Fun!

I have had the idea to start a blog for a really long time (I even started one but then immediately lost interest because of it's lack of scope). But today, I had one of those days where all of my ideas culminated into brilliance - and, even a bit of a challenge.

I, like many, have struggled with the idea of happiness and love. I have often wondered how, in a world so filled with tragedy and suffering can one truly be happy, grateful, and loving every. single. day. How can someone wake up with a fresh batch of love to cook up for the world? How can that be me? How can I make the world a better place? I have decided to look inward for these answers and remind myself of all of the things that I love. I believe that this daily reminder of what I love will help me better understand my world. No one person can make the world a better place, but they can certainly try. And I am going to start, right here, with me - and have a little fun while doing it.

So the idea is: one year, three hundred and sixty-five days of things I love. From serious to goofy, specific to random, past to present and everything in between. My idea is to share a little love with this wonderful world - and see what it shares back.

So, this being the first day, as well as the first entry - I thought it would be appropriate to share my love of writing. I love writing. It gets my creative juices flowing and really makes me appreciate how clever and funny I can (at times) be. It challenges me to think outside of the daily-grind-nine-to-five-figurative-box. I feel I can be my honest self when I am writing because I know that it is just me, my ideas, and a blank slate (not to mention a useful delete button!) I have a hard time sharing my passion for writing with loved ones, (mostly because I lack the scope to keep interested and I feel the fear of being criticized) but, I love writing. Yipee! I get to do something I love, every day, for the next year!

With Love,

Michelle xxo