Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Love Lost, a Love Gained

I love Thursdays! Is it because the weekend is right around the corner? Is it because of the awesome TV? Yes, and yes. But, I have other reasons for loving this fabulous day!

When Jon and I first started dating, the first time he came over to my (soon to be our!) apartment, it was a Thursday. We watched The Office, ordered pizza, and spent what seemed to be hours just giggling and gazing at each other all googley-eyed. Towards the end of the night, I remember him saying to me. "Let's make Thursday our 'thing'". Ever since then we have spend almost every Thursday night watching our favourite NBC shows and ordering takeout. It became so much a habit, that our friends and family knew better than to make plans with us on a Thursday.

Now, due to the fact that it is summer and a few things have interfered with our weekly tradition (or possibly also because The Office is in the off-season), we haven't had a 'Thursday' in about a month!

Jon knows that I love our weekly date, but I've had a tradition of my own for the last couple of Thursday's... I've been making a very light dinner and eating it early. After that, I'll make some snacks! Last week, I favoured a big bowl of popcorn drizzled with some olive oil, mixed with a pinch of dried rosemary, and generous amount of grated parmesan cheese. I've been watching guilty pleasure TV On Demand, Rom-Com's, and painting my nails! I am loving new Thursday, I can indulge my girly side and get my snack on!

A Thursday past, and a Thursday present. I love em' both.

Love all Around,

Michelle xxo

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