Saturday, June 5, 2010

Love at Any Age

Today, my boyfriend Jon and I woke up to the sounds of a parade. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, there is a local festival in town - and I rushed to get ready with the patience of a child.

We grabbed a quick bite and walked around the grounds, played a game that we both lost at, and I cowered at the small rides that seven year old children walked up to fearlessly. There was a section with vendors and crafts, and we wandered about having a wonderful day.

As the day was winding down, we walked by a married couple drawing portraits. They had an elderly woman sitting patiently while the wife of the pair created her likeness. We decided that we wanted a portrait done of the both of us, and I sat first.

It was a really weird and neat experience. I had to look in one direction and I could see Jon out of the corner of my eye, quietly explaining how great the portrait was coming along. A bit of a commenting crowd began to draw (all saying good things, thankfully) and it made me really want to just stand up and have a peek at the picture myself. I decided that unless I wanted Jon sitting next to an ogre in the portrait, I needed to distract myself. I began focusing on the women who were obviously with the elderly woman seated next to me.

These gals were an absolute hoot! All at least over 75 (we found out that the woman seated was 92!), they were goofily teasing their friend like a group of adolescents. I love the young at heart! The life, love, and general fun within each of these women was so contagious. They were in love with life, and everybody knew it!

The experience made me think about life in general. If I can have a love for this life, similar to the love in these women, then all of the small bumps along the way really don't matter. Life becomes one giant festival with love, and I am extremely grateful that I got to share this special moment with the person that I love most in this world. When we got our completed portrait, I thought it really captured that.

All My Lovin',

Michelle xxo

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