Thursday, June 17, 2010

In the Nick of Time

What do I love today? I had a really hard time trying to answer this question. Of course I love my friends, family and boyfriend - that's a given. But, when you have a no-good-very-bad day like I've had, it is hard to think of one thing that piqued my love-o-meter.

I could love the fact that I plan to hibernate all night and watch guilty pleasure tv. I could also love the emergency bar of dark chocolate that I hide in my desk drawer at work. But, what I really love is when you're having the dumps of a day and you get a well-timed saving grace. I love good timing!

My very good friend who is teaching in South Korea sent me an e-mail brimming with plans, stories and love. Any other day, I might've taken this for granted. But because I am having such a yucky day - I was able to appreciate a simple note of this nature.

Good timing can turn any frown upside-down.

Love and all those good vibrations,

Michelle xxo

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