Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day One, How Fun!

I have had the idea to start a blog for a really long time (I even started one but then immediately lost interest because of it's lack of scope). But today, I had one of those days where all of my ideas culminated into brilliance - and, even a bit of a challenge.

I, like many, have struggled with the idea of happiness and love. I have often wondered how, in a world so filled with tragedy and suffering can one truly be happy, grateful, and loving every. single. day. How can someone wake up with a fresh batch of love to cook up for the world? How can that be me? How can I make the world a better place? I have decided to look inward for these answers and remind myself of all of the things that I love. I believe that this daily reminder of what I love will help me better understand my world. No one person can make the world a better place, but they can certainly try. And I am going to start, right here, with me - and have a little fun while doing it.

So the idea is: one year, three hundred and sixty-five days of things I love. From serious to goofy, specific to random, past to present and everything in between. My idea is to share a little love with this wonderful world - and see what it shares back.

So, this being the first day, as well as the first entry - I thought it would be appropriate to share my love of writing. I love writing. It gets my creative juices flowing and really makes me appreciate how clever and funny I can (at times) be. It challenges me to think outside of the daily-grind-nine-to-five-figurative-box. I feel I can be my honest self when I am writing because I know that it is just me, my ideas, and a blank slate (not to mention a useful delete button!) I have a hard time sharing my passion for writing with loved ones, (mostly because I lack the scope to keep interested and I feel the fear of being criticized) but, I love writing. Yipee! I get to do something I love, every day, for the next year!

With Love,

Michelle xxo

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