Thursday, July 22, 2010

Theme Songs!

Last night, Jon and I took turns singing retro songs to each other from our favourite childhood cartoons!

It was so much fun! I love theme songs!

It is seriously impossible to forget songs that were so present in ones childhood. Especially for me! I used to memorize and perform Disney songs for my family (whether they liked it or not!)

All the memories come flooding back once you remember the tune! I serenaded Jon with songs from Aladdin, The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, while Jon hummed the tune from the Zelda video game for N64!

It is so much fun to recall random songs from the past with someone you love. Of course, Jon and I didn't know each other as kids, but theme songs are like a shared bookmark of different memories. I learned that when Jon played Zelda as a kid, his sister would watch and read all of the commentary out loud to him (so cute!). I also scored major points for remembering the theme song to the X-men TV show!

My friends from University and I used to sing the theme songs to 90's sitcoms. A whole evening could be spent sipping on cheap beer and singing classics from Full House, Who's The Boss, Family Matters and of course - Fresh Prince of Bel-Air!

It is so much fun to recall these songs with someone you love. Once the tune starts up, memories and fun stories follow, and it always brings you a sizable laugh!

Love and Laughter,

Michelle xxo

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